Arduino 10: Servos

A servo is a special-purpose motor. Instead of spinning continuously, a servo is meant to rotate to a specific angle (usually only between 0 and 180 degrees) and hold there. Servos are typically used as actuators, to control the throttle on an engine or the angle of a flap on a model plane, for example. Typically servos have three wires: red to +5V power, black to ground, and a white or colored control line for the angle information, which we would run to a digital output on the Arduino.

The Arduino software comes with a servo library that makes it easy to handle servos (though note that software version 16 and older will only control a servo on pins 9 or 10). A library is a pre-made set of small programs that someone wrote, which you can use just as if they were commands built-in to the programming language. To make use of a library, you have to include it in your program right at the beginning. In the Arduino program editor, from the top menu select Sketch > Import Library, and from the drop-down menu select Servo. This inserts the line in your program

#include <Servo.h>

The command #include < > does just what it says, it includes all the code form a given library in your program.  The name of the library goes in the angle brackets < >. Library file names always end in .h, like Servo.h does.

Example: Connect a servo, which we’ll simply call s, to digital pin 9 on the Arduino, and connect the +5V and ground pins to the servo as appropriate. Upload the following program.

#include <Servo.h>
Servo s;
void setup(){
void loop(){
   for (int angle=1; angle<180;angle++){
   for (int angle=180;angle>0;angle--){

There are three commands in the servo library that are most useful. First,

Servo name;

declares a variable name for your servo “object”. This goes at the beginning of the program with your other variable declarations. Next in the setup function, use


where name is the name you gave your servo, and pinNumber is the digital pin to which you attached the servo. This is sort of like declaring a pin mode to be output. Finally


turns the servo to an angle between 0 and 180 degrees.

For a second example, control the servo with a potentiometer. Keep the servo attached as before. Now connect the middle pin of a 10K potentiometer to analog pin 0 on the Arduino, one end pin to +5V, and the other end to ground. As an error check, the program prints out the raw reading from the potentiometer, which should vary between 0 and 1023 as you turn it. Upload the following program:

#include <Servo.h>
Servo s;
int reading = 0;
int angle = 0;
int potPin = 0;
void setup(){
void loop(){
   reading = analogRead(potPin);
   angle = map(reading, 0, 1023, 0, 179);

Note the use of the map function.

var1 = map(var2, fromLow, fromHigh, toLow, toHigh);

If you have some data in var2 that can vary in the range fromLow to fromHigh, map will proportionally map the value to a new range between toLow and tohigh and store the result in var1. In this case, the potentiometer returns a value from 0 to 1023, but we want to map that to the servo range of 0 to 179 degrees.

2 responses to “Arduino 10: Servos

  1. thanks i agree, very easy to read.

  2. Thank you for this tutorial; it’s one of the easiest to read and understand tutorials on using a servo motor with the arduino platform.

    Could you possibly explain how to control the speed of the rotation? I believe it has something to do with controlling the length of the PWM, but I’ve had a hard time finding any information on this. Thanks!

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